Södervik Gallery: Matti Nikolainen - Murder - Ode to a Local Bar


Matti Nikolainen's photographs are on display in the exhibition Murder - Ode to a Local Bar.

There is a bar in Maunula, Helsinki that is for some reason called Murha (Murder). It is my local bar, and it is the best local ever. There are many stories about the name, Murha, and they all differ. All the aboriginals have their own testimony about the origin.

I called the gods of strong spirits, the witches of low proof alcohol liquors and the saints of cheap pints and swore to get to the bottom of the nickname Murha. And of course I didn’t. But in the midst of my tipsy adventure I made an ode to a local bar, local watering holes everywhere, ode to the suburbs and parts of towns – ode to the thirsty wanderers.

- Matti Nikolainen

Tue-Fri at 12-19
Sat at 11-16
Sun at 12-16

Free entrance!